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Friday, February 18, 2011

Some rules to get started!

Hello friends,
I am so excited that we will now  be able to communicate and do some activities online.  This is a great tool and it is fun to learn with. First though, we must all go over a few rules.  I need you (the students) and your parents to review the rules and then post your name stating that you understand all the rules of this blog.

For students: 
1.  You will respect and be kind in response to every post by your friends.
2.  You will not use any foul language or hurtful words.
3.  We will address eachother how we do in class, not by made up nicknames.  
4.  You will talk in a respectful manner to me (Miss Payne) or any other teacher. 
5.  You and only you may post on your blog comments, (parents may email me with questions).
6.  You may post one word or one paragraph, respond completely as you feel necessary. 
7.  If you need help understanding something, ASK!
8.  Do not put your last name, address, or phone number on here and do not address any of your friends in the same manner. 
9.  Do not go on to unknown bloggers websites.
10-99.  Have fun, learn, explore, respond, create, reply as MUCH as you want!

For parents:
Email me whenever at:

If there are any special needs or requests to add to this website to enhance learning or any other rules you can think of, also please respond.  I want this blog to provide for a fun and functional at home learning environment!    

1 comment:

  1. Hello friends,

    This is Miss Payne and I have read and understood all the rules of this blog! Now I am ready to learn.

    -Miss Payne
